Drawing Orangutan Monkey by pencil

How to Draw Orangutan Monkey on the Tree by Pencil Step by Step, Easy.


This on line “how to draw lesson” for kids and beginners is dedicated to drawing of orangutan on the tree.

In this Drawing  tutorial we use coloured pencils , eraser and some paper.

How to Draw Orangutan Monkey on the Tree

The most Monkeys live on trees and jump from one branch to another branch and eating fruit, insects or leaves. Some monkeys catch small kowtowing, birds and bats. Use their tails, to keep balance at jumps. 


There is time to paint this cute orangutan monkey.

Today we use easy drawing technique – draw step by step on grids. It is easer to paint a monkey such way.

Some of Monkeys are night animals. They skillfully run and jump on tree. If this night monkey feel danger, they become motionless and can stay hours without any moving while danger disappear.

Follow this easy step by step tutorial and you will have excellent result.

Draw a grid with four vertical equal squares and three horizontal squares.

  • 1. Draw with an orange pencil lines of orangutan’s hands. Then look at the picture and draw three circles on a paper. Draw circle and oval paws of the orangutan.

Draw this cute orangutan monkey easy

  • 2. Add orangutan’s face.
  • 3. With two bent lines draw legs. Add round knees and oval foot.
  • 4. Than draw a contour of a hand and a leg of the animal, as shown at the picture .Draw fingers of hands and legs.
  • 5. Paint over these parts of orangutan’s body with pale – orange color.
  • 6. Paint over dark parts with a brown pencil and  pound it.
  • 7. Next step – drawing monkey’s hair by orange and brown pencils. Draw long lines, try do not mix them.
  • 8. Add a little pink color on the muzzle, the breast and the stomach of the monkey.  

To show sunlight, draw a pale line along a top of a branch.

how-to-draw-monkey-on-the -tree-step-2Fingers of hands and legs are led round sharp by tip of a black pencil.

  • 9. Than draw Black eyes and nostrils. Paint lines of the mouth and the ears of this cute orangutan monkey.
  • 10. Check the final picture, erase lines you don’t need and colour picture of the orangutan.

Some cute fact about monkeys .

How to Draw Orangutan Monkey on the Tree

Lemurs are the biggest family of the primates, but they are found only on island Madagascar. At the majority of lemurs have long fluffy tails and a soft fur. Basically lemurs play and move on the ground by four legs, only indri move by hind legs.