How To Draw a Buffalo. Step by step Drawing Lesson for kids.
In this drawing lesson we’ll show you how to draw a Buffalo in 6 easy steps. This step by step lesson progressively builds upon each previous step until you get to the final rendering of the Buffalo.
Here are some interesting facts about the Buffalo you might find interesting.
Ninety seven percent of the 158 million water buffaloes in the world are in Asia. Their dung is used as a fertilizer and as a fuel when dried. Adult Male Water Buffalo range in size from 400 to 900 kg for the domestic breeds, while the wild animals are nearly 3 m long and 2 m tall, weighing up to 1,200 kg. The wild Asian Buffalo eats grass and leafy aquatic vegetation. A herd of fh1ale wild Asian water buffaloes with their young is generally led by a dominant matriarch and often accompanied by a single adult bull. Other males live solitarily or form bachelor herds of about 10.The N. American Buffalo sketch can be completed in 6 steps. Feel free to print the page to use as a step by step guide.
Step 1: Draw the beginning section of the Buffalo’s face.
Step 2: Sketch the upper body lines and add the Buffalo’s beard and lower neck.
Step 3: Add the beginning step to the Buffalo’s front legs and complete the first section of it’s rear leg.
Step 4: Draw in the tail and front hoof.
Step 5: Draw in the body detail using a vertical line and add in the secondary front leg.
Step 6: Draw the final rear leg and add the final front hoof and you have completed the drawing of a Buffalo.
Here’s a 4 minute video showing you how to draw a cartoonish looking Buffalo.