How to draw a tiger . Step by step Drawing Lesson for kids.
In this drawing lesson we’ll show you how to draw a Tiger in 6 easy steps. This step by step free lesson progressively builds upon each previous step until you get to the final rendering of the Tiger.
Here are some facts about Tigers that you might find interesting.
The tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. Tigers stretch over 6 feet long and can weigh up to 750 pounds (340 kg). Tigers hunt when it’s dark and can more easily sneak up on their prey. A tiger’s roar is so loud it can be heard 5 miles (8 km) away. Unlike most cats, tigers actually enjoy being in the water and are quite agile swimmers. When exceptionally hungry, tigers have been known to devour up to 65 pounds (30 kg) of meat in one feeding.Start drawing the tiger by following each of the 6 steps in sequence.
Step 1: Begin by drawing the outline of the head and jaw of the tiger.
Step 2: Draw in its nose and start of the first front leg.
Step 3: Finish drawing the front leg and sketch the rear, tummy, and back leg.
Step 4: Complete the back leg and draw in the eyes, mouth and second front leg.
Step 5: Add the fourth leg, ears and tail.
Step 6: Finally, add the stripes and finishing touches to its face, ears and claws.
Here’s a video on drawing a more advanced but very realistic tiger.