How to draw a spider. Step by step Drawing Lesson for kids.
In this drawing lesson we’ll show you how to draw a Spider in 6 easy steps. This step by step lesson progressively builds upon each previous step until you get to the final rendering of the spider.
Here are some facts about Spider that may interest you.
Spiders are not insects, but mh1bers of the arachnid family. Spiders have eight legs while insects have only six. There are over 40,000 species of spiders in the world today. The overwhelming majority of spiders are completely harmless to humans. Not all spiders spin webs – The wolf spider, for example, stalks and overpowers it’s prey. All spiders produce silk.Start drawing the spider by following each of the 6 steps in sequence.
Step 1: Begin by drawing the upper-body of the spider.
Step 2: Draw the first set of legs.
Step 3: Next, draw the second set of legs.
Step 4: Sketch the lower body and third set of legs.
Step 5: Draw the final set of legs.
Step 6: Finally, add the spider’s head and body detailing.